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Im pleased to announce that i was awarded the overall winner of this years The Exeter Contemporary Open.

“I’m so honoured to have won the overall award and I am thankful for the recognition that comes with it of a practice that dates back to the 80s. When I first started out there was a lack of LGBTQ+ representation and section 28 had just come into law. Now the landscape has changed and queer artists and art is celebrated. These new works exhibited at The Exeter Contemporary Open of which some incorporate past works from my archive can now be seen through a contemporary lens and with this award placed within a new contemporary platform.” SHARP

Thank you to selector, Jes Fernie (Independent Curator), Tania Kovats (Artist and Educator) and Phoenix Gallery Curator, Matt Burrows,

The Exeter Contemporary Open is an annual exhibition, selected from hundreds of entries, submitted by artists from across the UK. It forms a major highlight of the South West’s cultural calendar.  

“So impressed by their incredible commitment to representing experience of a powerfully personal and collective voice; their practice convincingly bears witness to a life lived exploring and challenging how to communicate their own presence. The work was reflecting back on itself, the passage of time reflected in creative self reflective archiving, as well as pointing to wider political challenges past and present, making, unmaking and remaking. Each scratch on the negative reprinted here a record of scars and resilience.”

Quote by Tania Kovats who was one of the Selector on the panel.

Beautiful install shots by @ddoommmmoorree instagram Dom Moore